There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
This is my last week of school, for this semester.
I am happy with my grades so far. I am signed up for 17 credits for fall quarter.
Been working on the house here and there, hubby has been working alot, which has made it challenging to get projects done.
We did the windows downstairs. There were gaps as big as the Grand Canyon. No wonder that room was always freezing.
I didn't get any before pictures- I was at school when the project was started.
This room is so much warmer now. We are motivated to get the other windows changed out as well.
These bulbs never bloomed last year. I dont know if it was because of the mild winter or what.
I am excited there are different colors out there this year.
My peach tree and pear tree were butchered prior to use moving in here.
My pear tree has lots of new growth, and is covered in blossoms. It looks so much better than it did at this time last year.
Jason and the boys are going to redo the fence around the chicken house. TJ hit one of the post with the riding lawnmower last year. We bought bigger posts and are cementing them in.
When we put the fence up, we did not know there were sprinkler heads in there. The ladies have done a fine job digging around them.
So, we are moving the fence so they aren't in their pen. They will end up with a bigger space after the fencing is moved.
My FK were suppose to have a court date last week, but it got moved. Dad's lawyer no-showed. It was rescheduled for this Wednesday, with a big hearing for next month (which I am thinking will really be in June). We will see. I have the younger boy signed up for baseball, and I have registration forms for football in the fall. The forms are due in July.
They are excited to get library cards ( I need to get this week). The older boy loves art, the younger one loves engines. They are both happy to be here, because they get to do different things. I am all for kids having things to do, keeps them out of trouble.
One of Jason's coworkers gave him a Honda 125 motorcycle. It needs lots of work. The boys are excited about it. They have to rebuild the engine, and other things :)
Never a dull moment with them