Saturday, January 28, 2017

Week 3-4

The amount of snow that we have received here has been crazy. We have had more gray days than I can remember since moving here two years ago. Yesterday and today were sunny. It was amazing to see the blue sky.

This is my driveway and front walk way.

This is the walkway leading up to the front door

There is my poor suburban. Good thing we tarped it before the snow began.

Needless to say, we have spent a lot of time shoveling and deicing.
The younger boys went camping last night. They said they were cold, but had a lot of fun.
Hubby and I went to the store just to look at lights. We wandered to the appliances, noticed they had refrigerators on sale. We bought one. This one is similar to my old one in Washington. I'm excited because 1) it's bigger, so it will hold more 2) I really dislike going to the grocery store. 
It will be delivered onThursday. I figure since it will be freezing, I can set any groceries I have in an ice chest and set it out back. It isn't going to be warm anytime soon, so we will be ok.

I love baking. Tonight I made a chocolate zucchini cake. We will have some for breakfast. Just because we can.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Week 2 2017

Yesterday morning, it was 22 degrees out, so I went for a walk

I love how the rays hit the snow. It was quiet, except for the occasional dog bark. The mountain tops are amazing. Two years ago when we moved here, the mountains were bare. There was lots of thick,freezing fog. I look out in out back yard, and wonder how long the snow will stay. We plan on taking down the Chinese Elm trees in the back (there are 6-7).  I plan on planting three more apple trees, and two peach trees.
My dogs caught two field mice this afternoon and killed them. It was 15 degrees this morning, it only got to 24 today. I'm not too sure why they weren't hibernating. Two less mice I have to worry about.
The kids have had a four day weekend. They didn't want to go anywhere. They all said it was too cold (I have to agree with them).  I made cinnamon rolls today

They came out amazing. 
My plans for this spring are to go on some road trips. Idaho has several beautiful waterfalls. I want to take the kids to see them. Growing up, my parents never took us on spontaneous road trips. My kids have traveled more than I ever did. I want to make an effort to see more historical sites. The kids are only young once.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Week 1 2017

It seems strange that the first week of 2017 is almost complete.
It's been below freezing here for the week. I love seeing the sun and the blue sky, but the cold takes your breath away. This summer/fall, we will be installing a pellet stove in the basement. My new windows are holding up amazing. No drafts, no ice!

Hubby and I decided each payday we will pick up something for the house. Today I picked up trim to put up around a door we replaced in the basement. Next pay day I will get some paint for the kitchen.
I am hoping by March, to begin replacing the rest of the Windows.

Andrew and I went to Lowes to pick up ice melt. We picked up 80 pounds. I don't want anyone slipping,falling or getting hurt in my driveway or walkway. As we went in, we spotted the vegetable seed display. I am hoping in a week, to begin planting and growing lettuce and spinach in my kitchen. The area is bright, gets plenty of sun.  Andrew was pouring over the watermelon seeds. 
I love spring, and being able to plant and grow things!